Monday, March 5, 2012

Hybrid Architecture

House from Shipping Containers

House layout on TV, made from two shipping containers in Seattle, Washington. I think this was on HGTV. Great idea!

More ideas:

HyBrid arc

architecture research and construction


  • HyBrid Architecture | Assembly

    contact: Robert Humble or Joel Egan
    1205 East Pike Street Suite 2D
    Seattle, WA 98122
    tel: 206.267.9277

  • Hybrid Architecture

    Hybrid Architecture:

    Established in 2003 by Robert Humble and Joel Egan, HyBrid Architecture and HyBrid Assembly integrate design, research and construction into one seamless process. The utilization of off-site fabrication technology allows for evocative solutions to complex programmatic restraints. Ultimately, HyBrid is interested in maximizing efficiency, whether that be in time, money or natural resources.

  • Projects

    99k-images williams_nicholas_portfolio.pdf 080806_e_elev_spring 017_talktank01 Red Haus - kitchen Red Haus - springtime

  • more:

    c160 scout, base price: $29,500


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