Sunday, April 22, 2012

Stained Glass Plexiglass House


Artist: Tom Fruin
steel, found plexiglass, paint-12 x 12 x 14 feet

I want to live in a house just like this.!/pages/Sculpture/337671456258597

  1. Tom Fruin - Kolonihavehus 2010 steel, found plexiglass, paint 365 x ... - Estados Unidos
    Tom Fruin - Kolonihavehus 2010 steel, found plexiglass, paint 365 x 365 x 422 cm - Galerie Bertrand & Gruner, Geneva, Switzerland.
  2. Tom Fruin - Biography - Galerie Bertrand & Gruner, Geneva ... - Estados Unidos
    100 o + elementos – Tom Fruin - Biography - Galerie Bertrand & Gruner, ...
    Born in 1974 in California, USA Lives and works in New York, USA
    Solo and two persons exhibitions

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