Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lois Lewis, 72, Built Her Own Cob Home

"I was flying by the seat of my pants...."

How Lois Lewis, 72, Built Her Own Home

Interview by Becky Bee

Becky Bee: What inspired you to build a house?
Lois Lewis: I needed to do something I'd never done, and I needed a real change from what I was doing, which was taking care of my father. I saw your newspaper ad about workshops on building mud houses, or as you call them, "cob" houses. I was free for a week, so I went to the workshop, never dreaming what it would lead to!

We worked hands-on in the mornings and attended class in the afternoons. I took copious notes, and made up my mind to build one. I was 68 years old. I knew that if I was going to do it, I had to do it now, because who knows how much time I had, or how long my health would hold.
I started looking immediately. It took a while to find my land. I bought it in the spring, and didn't wait for the year around to see what was going to happen on the land. I felt an urgency to just get going. My daughter and I bought the land together. She has three children and needed a three-bedroom house. The piece we bought had a whole acre, plenty of room for me to put my house on it, too. (more)

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